Predstavitev delnih rezultatov temeljnih projektov
Dan in čas: 25.3. 2022 od 8:30-17:00
Prostor: Fakulteta za socialno delo
Uvodni del (P3)
8.30 Pozdrav dekanje FSD UL
8.35 – 8.55 Darja Zaviršek: Kratek oris raziskovalnega projekta Socialno delo kot družbena naprava solidarnosti: izbrane problematike v zgodovinski in izkušenjski optiki [2] in njegovi teoretski izzivi
8.55- 9.15 Jana Mali: Kratek oris raziskovalnega projekta Dolgotrajna oskrba ljudi z demenco v teoriji in praksi socialnega dela [3] in razvoja socialnega dela s starimi ljudmi
9.15 – 10.45: Preteklost socialnega I (1945 – 1991) (P10)
Mateja Jeraj: Pogled socializma na socialne zadeve in obdobje pred profesionalizacijo socialnega dela
Nina Vodopivec: Socialno delo v socialističnih tovarnah
Dunja Dobaja: Otroci s posebnimi potrebami v Sloveniji: od segregacije do integracije
Tanja Buda: »Matere samohranilke« v arhivskem gradivu CSD-jev od leta 1960 naprej
Maja Vehar: Spolnost in z njo povezana vprašanja v prvih desetletjih socializma v Sloveniji
10.45 – 11.00 Odmor
11.00 – 12.30 Preteklost socialnega II (1991 – 2010)
Sara Pistotnik: Reguliranje splava v 60.letih 20. stoletja v prispevkih Vestnika Sveta za socialno varstvo SRS
Ana Cergol Paradiž in Irena Selišnik: Akterke ženskega gibanja na polju socialnega dela: kontinuitete in prelomi
Sonja Bezjak:Ustanavljanje domov za zapiranje »onemoglih« in »defektnih«: študija primera doma na Tratah
Darja Zaviršek: Zgodovina šolanja v socialnem delu v Sloveniji
9.15 – 12.30: Sedanjost (P11)
Irena Šumi: Organizacijske in integrativne dileme v socialnem delu: primer lokaliziranega zaposlovanja na CSD in primer zaposlovanja diplomiranih socialnih delavk, ki so osebe z oviranostmi
Valerija Korošec: Peza ženskosti na področju socialnega dela
Ana Marija Sobočan: Analiza etičnih kodeksov v socialnem delu v Sloveniji
Jelka Zorn: Socialno delo med človekovimi pravicami in državnim servisom
Duška Kneževič: Kmetje o »sociali«
12.30 – 13.30 Kosilo
13.30. – 14.30 Poročila s paralelnih sekcij (P10)
14.30-14.45 Odmor
14.45-16.30 Diskusija
16.30 – 17.00 Zaključki
9.15 – 10.15: Predstavitev monografije Strategije raziskovanja in razvoja dolgotrajne oskrbe starih ljudi v skupnosti (Mali, J. in Grebenc, V.) (P3)
Predstavitev monografije, ki je nastala kot rezultat raziskovalnih projektov Dolgotrajna oskrba ljudi z demenco v teoriji in praksi socialnega dela in Socialno delo kot družbena naprava solidarnosti: izbrane problematike v zgodovinski in izkušenjski optiki, in pogovor z avtoricama bo vodil novinar in pisatelj Andraž Rožman
10.15 – 10.30 Odmor
10.30 – 11.30: Predstavitev monografije Dezinstitucionalizacija I: neskončna (Rafaelič, A. in Flaker, V.) (P3)
Predstavitev monografije in pogovor z avtorjema bo vodil novinar in pisatelj Andraž Rožman
11.30 – 13.00 Okrogla miza »Izzivi Zakona o dolgotrajni oskrbi za razvoj dolgotrajne oskrbe ljudi z demenco« (P3)
Na okrogli mizi bodo sodelovali:
Janja Romih (Ministrstvo za delo, družino, socialne zadeve in enake možnosti)
Leopold Pogačar (župan Občine Žirovnica)
Štefanija Lukič Zlobec (Spominčica)
Vito Flaker in Jana Mali (Fakulteta za socialno delo)
Goran Kuzma (predstavnik Skupnosti socialnih zavodov Slovenije, direktor Doma starejših Lendava)
Moderatorka: Anamarija Kejžar
13.00 – 13.30 Kosilo
13.30 – 15.00: Predstavitev tematske številke Socialnega dela »Konceptualizacija socialnega dela z ljudmi z demenco« (P3)
Jana Mali: Pregled in analiza sodobnih konceptov socialnega dela z ljudmi z demenco
Vito Flaker: Demenca – razlog za dezinstitucionalizacijo
Vera Grebenc: Normalizacija oblik bivanja ljudi z demenco z vzpostavljanjem integriranih storitev v skupnosti
Anamarija Kejžar: Ustvarjalno socialno delo z ljudmi z demenco
Sintija Munđar in Benjamin Penič: Identiteta ljudi z demenco: Priložnost za krepitev moči
Anže Štrancar: Življenje z epidemiološkimi ukrepi v instituciji za stare ljudi
15.00 – 15.15 Odmor
15.15 – 17.00 Diskusija in sklepi znanstvenega simpozija (P3)
[1] Znanstveni simpozij je namenjen izmenjavi znanstvenih ugotovitev tekom procesa dveh temeljnih raziskav.
[2] Financer ARRS, št. projekta 0591-001, vodja raziskave prof. dr. Darja Zaviršek.
[3] Financer ARRS, št. projekta J5-2567, vodja raziskave izr. prof. dr. Jana Mali.
[4] Financer ARRS, št. projekta 0591-001, vodja raziskave prof. dr. Darja Zaviršek.
[5] Financer ARRS, št. projekta J5-2567, vodja raziskave izr. prof. dr. Jana Mali.
V aprilu 2022 v Amstrdamu članice raziskovalne skupine predstavljajo nekatere rezultate projekta SODELO.
Enhancing and sustaining social inclusion through social work research
Friday 8 April 2022 (15:15–16:30)
In section: Solidarity and civil participation
Social work as a social solidarity apparatus: selected problems in historical and experiential optics
Darja Zaviršek
Research into the history of social work is helping to end the ‘mythological history’ of the profession. The National Research Agency funded research project ‘Social work as a social solidarity apparatus: selected problems in historical and experiential optics’ (2020-2023) focuses on the history of the profession, key figures, main issues, obstacles, as well as oral narratives of social workers from the period. The questions are: What were the main turning points within the profession and what were the social and political events and processes that influenced it? The study aims to provide new insights into the history of social work in Yugoslavia, the only example among the communist states where the leaders allowed the development of social work education since the early 1950s. Research methods include thematic archival research; analysis of early student diplomas; thematic analysis of media, professional journals, photographic and study materials; and collection of oral narratives from social workers who worked from the late 1970s to the 2000s. The analysis includes a reflection on their recorded experiential memories of socialist social work, the turn of the political system, and the changes that the turn brought. The preliminary findings show that socialist ideology had a positive impact on universalist social work practice and limitations in specificity and individuality of human suffering. The research is of great importance for understanding the contextual history of social work. It aims to influence the self-reflexivity of social workers and contribute to new scientific knowledge, including further comparative research.
Buckley, M. (2001) ‘The Untold Story of the Obshchestvennitsa in the 1930s’, in: Ilič, M. (ed.), Women in the Stalin Era. Hampshire and New York, Palgrave.
Bridger, S. (1987) Women in the Soviet Countryside, Cambridge, Cambridge Univ. Press.
Jancar Webster, B. (1990): Women and Revolution in Yugoslavia, 1941-1945, Denver Colorado, Arden Press.
Haney, L. (2002) Inventing the Needy: Gender and the Politics of Welfare in Hungary, Berkeley, University of California Press.
Friday 8 April 2022 (15:15–16:30)
In section: Social work throughout history
The role of social workers in Slovenian commissions granting abortion between 1960 and 1977
Sara Pistotnik, Tanja Buda
Organized family planning in Slovenia began after World War 2 in response to the high mortality rate of women from illegal abortion. From the beginning, the regulation of abortion was embedded in a broader field of reproductive and health policy, since it was understood as a necessary condition for reducing the number of illegal abortions, which had to be combined with accessible contraception and sex education. From 1960 on, when the legislature allowed abortions solely due to social reasons, social work gained more important role in the implementation of family planning and reproductive rights as social workers became members of commissions approving abortions. After this change, social indication became a prevalent reason for abortions, giving social workers a prominent role in the decision-making process because their task was to individually assess the social reasons women stated in their requests. Access to reproductive rights changed again in 1977, when women in Yugoslavia were granted abortion on demand, making it accessible without conditioning.
The presentation will focus on the role of social workers in the decision-making process of the commissions between 1960 and 1977, and in particular on the social reasons that were considered legitimate or not for granting abortion. Social work perspective will be emphasized using archival and historical material, including one produced by social workers themselves. In this way, we will analyse the contribution of social work in a broader social context of socialist family planning and the normative assumptions that shaped the hegemonic image of women under socialism.
Friday 8 April 2022 (13.30–15:00)
In section: Professional identities in changing contexts
The making of social work professional identity/-ies
Ana M. Sobočan
The identity of a profession is a phenomenon that is constantly being recreated through a variety of contemporary influences, and traditions and education that have been historically undergirded and developed. Social work professioanal identity is not independent of current political, economic, and ideological discourses, ideas, and practices. A look at the history of the profession’s development can help to understand the current composition of social work’s professional identity: the processes, influences and ideas that permeate and define it.
To attempt to uncover some of the history of the development of social work professional identity, 20 social workers were interviewed: all trained in the 1970s and all in practice up to 40 years. The verbatim transcripts of the semi-structured interviews, each of which lasted several hours, were analyzed using content analysis.
The interviews revealed the experiences and struggles of emerging practitioners in transitioning to a profession that was still developing in the 1980s in Slovenia, while their narratives revealed the moral constructions of their own professional identities. Their personal professional histories shed light on the decades of social work, its place in communities, and its role as a state-led service. The narratives distilled through the memoir lens of the now retired social workers helped to better decipher the various influences that shape(d) social work professional identity. Understanding these is relevant to social work educators, where professional identity is first being shaped, as well as the professional organizations that advocate for the authority and legitimacy of the process, and the practitioners themselves.